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Get notified of positive cases near you

Get notified of positive cases near you

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Program license: Paid

Developer: Health Social Care Northern Ireland

Version: 2.3.5

Works under: Android


Program license

(2 votes)




Health Social Care Northern Ireland


Works under:



  • Facilitates secure and efficient contact tracing
  • Ensures user privacy and confidentiality
  • Leverages advanced technology for improved functionality


  • Requires users to provide accurate information for effectiveness
  • Dependent on users enabling 'exposure notifications'

Essential Medical Service App: StopCOVID NI

StopCOVID NI is an indispensable mobile application developed by Health & Social Care Northern Ireland to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic. This practical tool facilitates tracing of COVID-19 positive cases in Northern Ireland and alerts users of potential exposure to the virus, while maintaining strict confidentiality of the infected individual's personal information. The app is readily accessible to individuals aged 18 and over.

Secure and Streamlined Contact Tracing

A pivotal part of the government's strategy to alleviate the pressure on frontline workers, StopCOVID NI provides a robust contact tracing solution. The app notifies users if they have been in proximity to another user who has tested positive for COVID-19, enabling immediate action such as evacuation and self-quarantine.

If a user tests positive for COVID-19, they receive a code via SMS from HSCresult. When the user inputs this code into the app, it prompts them to share the random IDs exchanged with other app users over the past 14 days. These are known as diagnosis keys, enabling the user to promptly notify those who have been in close contact with them of potential exposure to the virus. The app can also securely share these diagnosis keys with other countries when the user is traveling abroad.

Although the app does not collect personal information, it does gather specific data that allows the agency to monitor key statistics such as the number of app users, the number of users entering the HSCresult codes, and the number of users potentially exposed to the virus.

Combatting COVID-19 with Leading Technology

StopCOVID NI leverages novel technology co-developed by industry leaders, Google and Apple. This innovation uses Bluetooth technology to assist governments and health agencies worldwide in efforts to curb the spread of the virus. With a central focus on user privacy and security, the app offers fully automated processing with no human intervention. However, to utilize this feature, users must enable 'exposure notifications.'

Join the Fight Against COVID-19

With the ongoing severity of the pandemic in many countries, StopCOVID NI serves as a critical tool to assist governments and agencies in mitigating the spread of the virus. However, its effectiveness hinges on users providing accurate information. Through collective efforts and technological advancements, we can work towards overcoming this global health crisis.


  • Facilitates secure and efficient contact tracing
  • Ensures user privacy and confidentiality
  • Leverages advanced technology for improved functionality


  • Requires users to provide accurate information for effectiveness
  • Dependent on users enabling 'exposure notifications'